Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day Three in Berlin

It was our last day in Berlin on Saturday. Being in Berlin has opened my eyes to so many things about ministry, having a burden, serving without seeing immediate results, and then all the sin in the world.

Bro. Ritchie posed this question to us Saturday morning at devotions and it prompts thinking  not just Berlin but other places in the world: would Berlin notice the Second Coming of Christ?? Would there be a number of Christians who are raptured?? Will people notice they are missed?? Or will the Second Coming be covered up and never noticed in Berlin?? 

Berlin is an international city. It was strange at first to hear the German language being spoken but then add in Polish, Russian, Italian, French etc. and things become complicated. Berlin is full of sin. I know, I know so is the rest of the world but I've never seen so much openness of sin (if that makes sense). People living in Berlin have no shame of the life they choose to live. They are not ashamed to express their opinion on things or think you are dorf (German for stupid -- we heard this many times in the streets). After witnessing all this, the life of sin that I see people live and that I thought I knew of has been changed. Seeing the people in Berlin has struck my heart. It has burdened me oh so very much more for sinners. Yes what they are doing is horrible and we should hate the sin but the soul is valuable. The soul needs to see the state that they are in and then they need to be told of the one who still loves them and gave them His own Son just for them. 

Think about it!!! Berlin may be in Germany but what about the Berlin where you are?? Have you ever just stopped and looked around you?? Have you ever asked God to give you His eyes to see how He does and not with our judgemental eyes and mind that push the sinful soul aside and quickly get away from them?? Have you ever thought about going up to that soul and simply telling them - Jesus loves you??? You could get yelled at or receive ill-spoken words or you get this shocked face that someone loves them or you could get the face of confusion as if to say who is this Jesus?? I know now I'm rambling and I'm struggling to get my thoughts, feelings, reactions and emotions typed down but the past three days have changed my life!!!!

I'm so thankful for the experiences and exampl of Sis Sharon Reeves and her work with On The Red Box. This ministry focuses on telling people about Jesus and leading them to true genuine repentance and not just a simple prayer to make you feel better about yourself. For more information about this ministry you can go to 

Oh how I wish I could tell all the stories and testimonies and all about the people we were able to speak to and impact. I'm sorry not those we impacted but those impacted by God. An example of this is seen everyday but especially Saturday. On Thursday and Friday, we were able to get to the places on the main strip on Alexandarplatz in Berlin just fine. However on Saturday all the places Sis Sharon would normally go were all taken by other people. We were becoming worried and stressed trying to find another place. We stopped and prayed that God would help her locate a place she thought would be in a good flow of people and when she would that it was the place where we were to be. After finding the place and setting up, we jumped right in and wouldn't you know today we had the chance to speak to more people who were willing to talk to us than at another place. God knew what He was doing and we are still praising Him for the things done that day. 

After ministry was over, we headed to dinner at an amazing pizza place and then went to see the Brandenberg Brisfe and the capital building. Enjoy the pictures and I hope you have wonderful services in church today. 

Last day of Street Ministry with Sis Sharon Reeves in Berlin:

Dinner, Brandenberg Bridge and Capital building: 

Love ya all,
Deidre Faye

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